Closing the deal

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Weeks leading up to a closing can be stressful and exciting at the same time. As realtors we hope that we can take the brunt of the stress and leave all the excitement to the new home owner or seller, but it doesn’t always happen that way. I am writing from experience as I am processing through a closing as we speak. In preparation to close it is important that the new homeowner/buy have a comprehensive list of all utility companies that will need to be contacted for services in the home to maintain in working order when the documents are signed. This would include things like electric company, gas company natural or propane, oil company and cable company. It is very important as a buyer you work closely with your lender. Follow all their advice because your credit will be run prior to closing, and you wouldn’t want some large purchase (i.e car, truck load of furniture) to destroy your whole deal just before closing. All of this will be new to a lot of first time buyers and I would encourage you to ask as many questions as possible. Lenders, insurance agents, realtors, attorneys and even neighbors of the new home you will be buying can offer great insight into how things work. This for most will be the biggest investment of your life and it is important to know where your money will be going.

Sellers, chomping to collect that check don’t always have it that easy either. Putting your home on the market. Pricing it competitively and waiting for the offers to roll in can be exciting until all the sudden they do. Then the light bulb goes off, I received over ask for my home they want me out in 30-45 days and I have lived here for 30 years! Where am I going to go, how am I going to pack all this, who’s going to help, what if the deal falls through and the mental turmoil continues on and on. Between home inspections, multiple showings, appraisals and “my mom really wants to come see the house I’m buying” your house just about becomes a touring museum. A good agent will help to control the chaos. Help to facilitate movers, work with buyers on appropriate timelines and work diligently to find you your new home in time. As things ramp up in the 10 days before closing. Final utility readings are completed and smoke certificate is completed, you will begin to see the light. I can assure you when it is done there is no greater feeling than making it to the finish line.

Neither buyer or seller has it better. Each side comes with its own obstacles. As a buyer/seller it all comes down to your ability to adapt to change. If you can keep a level head and continue to see the light at the end of the tunnel you should be just fine. As a realtor, it is our job to make this as quick and painless as possible while at the same time providing you with quality advise to help you make the best decisions. With any transaction it is important you do your research and find the right realtor who will best work for you.



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