Good things come to those who wait

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In this seller’s market as a buyer it is easy to get frustrated, exhausted, and sick of just writing offers on home after home just to get outbid. If you’re a seller you know the anxiety of wanting to sell your home but just have no idea where you want to go and when you’ll ever find the home you’re looking for. The reason for writing this blog is because of a transaction I just closed and it is a great lesson to preach.

My first time home buyer super excited to buy her first home, but at the same time questioning the entire process along the way to get things just right. I told her going into this the hunt was going to be tough to fit her budget and wants. Regardless I was confident I could get it done. She had a large dog, looking for a condo, wanted a low HOA and a cheap monthly mortgage so we were off to the races.

We looked at a few different units just to find out the dog would not be allowed, which was out of the equation. So we moved on and like a beam of light we found the dream unit. In my eyes, but she was still on edge and not sold. We went over her check list, it hit every box and then some. I knew we had to put in an offer but the catch was, like many homes for sale was it was subject to seller finding suitable housing.

It is a tricky subject to get across to a new buyer that you could wait and wait and wait on an accepted offer to find out the seller never could find a home they like. New buyers are generally excited, and anxious to get into their new home and the last thing on their mind is waiting one extra day. The secret here from my experience is waiting on the sale, which is exactly what we did.

We negotiated a great price and used the contingency to our advantage leveraging time on the SELLERS side. Telling them we would give them extra time taking the pressure off them and reducing the risk of them getting too discouraged with every passing day. For my buyer it was great, we negotiated and under ask price and knew her agreed upon price would sit still as the market and its prices continued to accelerate with the changing season.

Fast forward 4 months and we were at the closing table. The sellers found a home they loved and my buyer found a house in budget that accepted her dog. The situation is not for everyone. I know some people do need a home quick, but for those who can wait. The saying good things come to those who wait rings so true in real estate transactions in this fast pace market.

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