Declaration of Homestead

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In this episode of The Real Estate Round Table we sit down with Roxanne Richard to talk about declaration of homestead. I find it to be a very common element to overlook that can be extremely beneficial if you ever need it. With an average cost of $35 you can file for one with your local real estate attorney or at the registry of deeds to cover you for up to $500,000 of protection. This will cover the equity in your home in the case of a lawsuit against you personally. When you lay out what you to benefit for $35 it becomes a no brainer to file for it. If you have any questions feel free to reach out. Follow the link to read more in declaration of homestead.

Roxanne Edick Richard, Esquire/Partner
Vieira & DiGianfilippo Ltd.
T 508-238-2510 ext 226
F 508-238-2309

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